Practice News
Online Pregnancy Registration
If you are newly pregnant and wondering how you inform your local midwife of this, a new system has been brought in for patients within our area meaning you now have to register your pregnancy online.
Connect Health
February Training Day
We will be closed from 1pm on Wednesday 12th February for staff protected learning time.
Normal surgery will resume on Thursday 13th February, thank you.
If you need any medical advice during this period, please contact 111 or in a medical emergency, 999.
Let's talk about brain health!
Are you worried about your memory?
Would you like to chat with a dementia advisor?
If you are concerned about symptoms that could be dementia, they can provide information and advice.
They will:
- Listen to your concerns
- Talk about how your symptoms are affecting you
- Provide a symptoms checklist
- Offer information, support and guidance
For an informal, nonjudgmental chat:
Phone Ella: 07701234788
For more information about Alzheimer's Society please visit their website
Breast Screening Awareness
NHS App Drop-In Support Session
Online Triage

Training Day
Ancora will be closed on Wednesday 11th December 2024 from 1pm for staff protected learning time.
Normal surgery will resume on Thursday 12th December 2024.
Thank you
Christmas Opening Hours
Tuesday 24th December – open as normal
Wednesday 25th December – Closed
Thursday 26th December – Closed
Friday 27th December – open as normal
Tuesday 31st December – open as normal
Wednesday 1st January – Closed
Thursday 2nd January – open as normal
Remember to order prescriptions early
To avoid any delays in getting your medicines over the festive period, please order prescriptions in good time.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New year from all at Ancora Medical Practice
6 Top Tips to Reduce Blood Pressure
- Reduce salt intake (<6g/day which is 1 teaspoon) helps maintain a healthy blood pressure.
- A balanced diet will help to lower blood pressure. The Mediterranean diet is good for hypertension and heart (The Mediterranean Diet
- Drink in moderation - < 14units/ week, spread over 3-4 days with several alcohol-free days in the week. Staying within the recommended levels is the best way to reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure. (Alcohol advice - NHS )
- Weight loss - being overweight forces your heart to work harder to pump blood around your body, which can raise your blood pressure. Even 5-10% of weight loss will make a huge impact on blood pressure. Healthy lifestyle in North Lincolnshire can help you in reducing weight (Living a health life - North Lincolnshire Council )
- Regular exercise, 150 minutes/ week, reduces 5-7mmHg of blood pressue and these reductions translate to a 20-30% reduced risk of heart disease.
- Stop smoking - smoking can cause your arteries to narrow. This can increase your blood pressure.
Lost or Stolen Controlled Medications
You play an important role in keeping your medicines safe and out of the hands of those who should not have them. This can be done by locking your medicines away.
The surgery WILL NOT replace any lost or stolen controlled medication.
It is your responsibility to take care of your medication.
Referral Waiting Times!
October Winter Vaccinations
In October, Ancora Medical Practice have administered 2114 Flu vaccinations and 1590 Covid vaccinations.
As always, thank you to our amazing staff team in helping ensure our patients are vaccinated this winter.
Our clinics are only a success because of our dedicated team and our patients, who come to our clinics prepared and ready for their vaccinations.
Thank you to everyone on behalf of
Ancora Medical Practice
The Blue Door Drop-In
What to pack for an overnight stay in hospital.
NHS Targeted Lung Health Checks (TLHC)
Domestic Abuse Awareness Month
Domestic Abuse Helplines
Blue Door
A specialist service who provide support to anyone that has experienced domestic abuse, sexual violence, rape and serious sexual offences.
Address: 26-28 Laneham Street Scunthorpe DN15 6PB
Tel: 01724 841947 / 0800 197 4787 / 0808 802 9999
National Domestic Abuse Line
The freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247
The link below provides you access to their website
You can also visit the below link for getting help and support for domestic violence
Always remember if you are in an emergency, please call 999.
Friends and Family comments August 2024
The photo shows comments taken from our Friends and Family data - August 2024.
Friends and Family data for August 2024
The photo reflects our Friends and Family data for August 2024, here at Ancora Medical Practice.
Thank you
Know Your Numbers!
You Have the Power!
Checking your blood pressure can help you find out whether your blood pressure numbers are under control, lowering your risk of stroke and heart disease.
Regular monitoring can prevent serious health issues. You have the power to know your numbers!
Use the link to find out more information
Need help with the NHS App?
Do more with the NHS App!
- Order repeat prescription
- Use NHS 111 online
- Find NHS Services
- View your GP health record
- Book appointments
- Get reminders and messages
and much more...
RSV Vaccination
Referral Waiting Times
Junior Doctor Strikes
Did you know?
In the last 5 years GP practices have lost funding worth £660 million.
We're not allowed to use the poor funding we have to recruit more GPs or more practice nurses.
Compared to ten years ago:
- 1,000 surgeries have closed.
- Over 10,000 GPs have retired or left the NHS.
- These GPs have not been replaced.
This is why you struggle to see your GP.
General Practice is being broken.
We know you deserve better than this.
GPs Are On Your Side.
Increase of E. Coli
Mental Health Crisis
Bowel Cancer Screening
Cervical Screening
Lost or Stolen Controlled Medications
You play an important role in keeping your medicines safe and out of the hands of those who should not have them. This can be done by locking your medicines away.
The surgery WILL NOT replace any lost or stolen controlled medication.
It is your responsibility to take care of your medication.
Millions of people are using the NHS App to manage their health the easy way. Are you?
Find out how you can use the NHS App to order your repeat prescriptions, quickly and easily by using the link below.
NHSNLaG - Digital Appointment Letter
Changes to Surgery Opening
To ensure all patients have equal access to appointments, we now open the doors of the surgery at 08:30am every morning.
The telephone lines will be open and answered from 08:00am, and you are advised to use the telephone for all your appointment needs.
Thank you
Ancora Medical Practice
Podiatry Self-Referral
This self-referral route allows patients to access Podiatry Services quickly, without needing to see a GP or health professional first. This service is for people aged 16 years of age and over with podiatry problems and registered with a local GP practice.
If you don’t want to self-refer (e.g. owing to communication difficulties), or are under the age of 16, you can contact the surgery directly to speak to a GP to discuss this.
Please use the link below to if you feel you require a self-referral or information about whether you are suitable to self refer.
Practice News
New General Practitioners
We are happy to announce that Dr Anam Abrar joined Ancora Medical Practice in April 2024, please help us to welcome her to the practice.
Dr Amrou Abdelnaby who has been with us since August 2023 training as a General Practitioner, has recently qualified and we are excited that he will be joining the Ancora team in August 2024. Congratulations to Dr A Abdelnaby and welcome!
This is advance notice that two of our long-serving Ancora General Practitioners will be retiring at the end of September - Dr James Taylor and Dr Tehmina Mubarika. We know they will be missed by many of you, but am sure you will join us in wish them a long, healthy and happy retirement.
Sexual Health
Pharmacy First
Measle Cases Are On The Rise
Measles is more than just a rash and can lead to serious complications including meningitis and blindness, particularly in babies and young children. In fact, 1 in 5 children with measles need hospital treatment.
Cases are on the rise and the disease is highly infectious.
The best way to protect your children from this serious and preventable disease is to keep their vaccinations up to date. The Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine is safe and has been used since the early 1980s.
All children should receive their two doses on time at 12 months and again at 3 years and 4 months.
Check your child’s red book and make contact with your practice to catch up on any missing vaccinations.