Opening Hours

Ancora Medical Centre

Day Opening hours
Wednesday 12 March
8am to 6:30pm
Thursday 13 March
8am to 6:30pm
Friday 14 March
8am to 6:30pm
Saturday 15 March
Sunday 16 March
Monday 17 March
8am to 6:30pm
Tuesday 18 March
8am to 6:30pm

Detuyll Street Surgery

Day Opening hours
Wednesday 12 March
8am to 6pm
Thursday 13 March
8am to 6pm
Friday 14 March
8am to 6pm
Saturday 15 March
Sunday 16 March
Monday 17 March
8am to 6pm
Tuesday 18 March
8am to 6pm

When We Are Closed

Night and Weekend Emergencies - NHS 111

 If you need medical help fast but it’s not a life-threatening situation, you should call the NHS 111 number. When you call 111, a trained adviser will ask you questions to find out what’s wrong, give you medical advice and direct you to someone who can help you, like an out-of-hour doctor or a community nurse.

If the adviser thinks your condition is more serious, they will direct you to hospital or send an ambulance. If you don’t speak English, tell the adviser what language you want to speak and they will get you an interpreter.

You can call 111 any time of the day. The call is free, from landlines and mobiles. You should only call 999 in an emergency – for example, when someone’s life is at risk or someone is seriously injured or critically ill.

  • Call 111 if you need medical help fast, but it’s not life-threatening – for example, if you:
  • think you need to go to hospital
  • don’t know who to call for medical help
  • don’t have a GP to call
  • need medical advice or reassurance about what to do next

For health needs that are not urgent, you should call your GP. If a health professional has given you a number to call for a particular condition, you should continue to use that number.

NHS 111

111 online is a fast and convenient alternative to the 111 phone service and provides an option for people who want to access 111 digitally. 

Your needs will be assessed and you will be given advice about whether you need:

  • Treat yourself at home
  • Go to a Primary Care Centre

If you need face to face medical attention you may be asked to attend a Primary Care Centre.

Click here to access NHS 111 online or call 111 to speak to a staff member.