Please find information in the links below in regards to the Covid-19 Vaccination, it is important that you read and understand this information before obtaining the vaccination at your appointment: (please click on the links to obtain the relevant information)
Covid vaccinations for everyone
Covid 19 vaccination patient leaflet
Patient information Astrazeneca / Oxford
Covid vaccination and blood clotting
Face Coverings in the Practice
We are aware of the lifting of the remaining COVID-19 restrictions from February; but we still need to act cautiously to stop the spread of the virus which is still circulating locally.
We hope you understand that health premises are a high-risk environment, and we must maintain some control measures to keep our patients and staff safe. We are asking all people entering the building to; wear a face mask unless exempt, maintain social distancing and use hand sanitiser on arrival.
Please do not attend any appointments more than 5 minutes before your appointment time where possible, and attend your appointment alone.
COVID19 Stay up to Date and Stay Informed
Please click for the latest government information.
For information on long COVID:
Please follow the link below to watch a video explaining the importance of the COVID Vaccination The video is available in many languages:
Isolating at home if you have COVID but do not need hospitalisation:-Isolating at Home
Please click on the following link for information on Mental Wellbeing.
How to Access Your GP
How to Access Your GP
The COVID pandemic has changed our lives in many ways, and this includes the way we see our GPs and other Practice staff.
Despite the huge pressures on the NHS, the GP Practice has remained open throughout the pandemic. However, the way your GP is working has changed; this includes making use of phone, video and online consultations where possible to reduce any unnecessary face to face contact. This approach has been taken locally and nationally, and is aimed at minimising the risk of infection to you, other Patients and the GP staff where possible.
Primary care is working as a team to ensure that you speak to/see the right person at the right time. This may mean that a more appropriate person for your health needs is a physiotherapist, a nurse, a pharmacist or a mental health worker by contacting the Practice by phone or online first, this allows the reception staff to signpost you to the most appropriate healthcare worker.
This does not mean the Practice has stopped face-to-face appointments, and they continue to be offered where safe and necessary. There will always be a need for some Patients to see their GP or another clinician in person, and where it is safe to do so and clinically appropriate the Practice will always ensure this is facilitated. However you may be asked to discuss your conditions over the phone or online first, to assess what would be most appropriate for you. If you are asked to come into the Surgery please remember to wear a face covering. Measures are in place to keep you safe from infection during your visit to the Surgery.
In addition to face-to-face consultations, the Surgery is offering consultations online or over the phone. This can be a convenient and flexible way to receive healthcare but if you would prefer to see a GP or healthcare professional in person then this will be arranged for you.
The Practice also remains committed to making sure our services are accessible to those without access to digital consultations, or who struggle to use technology.
Four ways you can seek healthcare advice from a GP:
- Call the Surgery to discuss a face-to-face or virtual (telephone or video) appointment
- Visit your GP Surgery website and complete a confidential online form to receive a response before the end of the next working day
- Call NHS 111 or go online to seek advice
- Download the NHS App to order repeat prescriptions, book appointments and check your symptoms;
If you have any health concerns please don't ignore them.