Appointments System
We operate an 'Advanced Access' system whereby we endeavour to ensure that patients are seen on the day of request.
The way you book your appointment has changed. Clinics are now only available 4 weeks in advance. If you require a follow up appointment with a clinician, you will be asked to contact the surgery when this is due to make that appointment yourself.
All appointments with a doctor are of 10 minute duration. Each GP has 15 slots in a morning session and 15 in the afternoon. The first 2 appointments may be pre-booked up to 28 days in advance and the next 2 appointments up to 14 days in advance. The remainder of the slots are called same-day appointments and can only be booked by the surgery from 8.00am that day. There are emergency appointments available every day.
We have an online triage facility available during the day (see link on the right) and several telephone triage appointments bookable online which open at 5.30pm each evening for the following day.
Please cancel any appointments you cannot attend, otherwise you may prevent other patients from getting an appointment. Please help us by being punctual. Please do not bring other patients with you and expect the doctor to see more than one patient when only one appointment has been allocated. Remember one appointment - one patient - one medical issue. For complex or multiple medical issues, longer appointments are available on request at the time of booking.
You can book, change or cancel an appointment over the phone, online or in person.
Our nurse practitioner can see patients for most 'minor illness' conditions.
Telephone Advice
If you need advice from your doctor, the most convenient time is between 11.30am and 12.00pm. Do not expect to speak to a doctor before that time.
You may be asked to ring back at a certain time to speak to a doctor especially in the afternoon. Receptionists have been asked not to disturb the doctor with non-urgent calls during surgery hours as the doctor can only deal with one problem at a time.
Home Visits
Home visits are for patients who are too ill or frail to attend surgeries.
If there is any doubt, the doctor will discuss the problem and advise. Please try to request home visits by 11.00am.
It helps to judge the urgency if you can describe the symptoms. Our receptionists have been specifically trained, so do expect to be asked.
Extended Access
From 1st October 2018 everyone in England will benefit from access to general practice appointments in the evenings and weekends at a time that is most convenient to them. This is part of a national drive to help improve access to general practice and get the best possible outcomes for patients. Further information is available here.
Patients who are registered at this practice can now book an appointment to see a range of clinicians including GPs and nurses at the weekends (on Saturday and Sunday). Appointments will take place at a range of NHS settings across North Lincolnshire. Talk to the practice receptionist to discuss an appointment.
You are entitled to ask or arrange for a chaperone to be present during intimate examinations. You may either choose to ask a friend or relative to be present or ask the Practice to provide a chaperone.
Please ask if you wish the Practice to provide a chaperone. If the Practice is unable to provide a chaperone at the time of your examination, you may be asked to re-book your appointment for a time when one is available.
If you require an interpreter to attend with you when you see your Doctor please notify the receptionist and she will arrange this for you.
Not Registered for Online Services?
Cancel an Appointment
To offer the best service we can for our patients we ask that if you can't attend an appointment you contact us to cancel it. If you repeatedly fail to attend appointments you may be removed from our practice list and may be required to find an alternative doctor. Please click here for a copy of our Did Not Attend (DNA) policy.
Planned Care - Hospital Waiting Times
Click the link below for information regarding waiting times for your referral to the hospital department.
We encourage you to look at this site where you may find the information you need before contacting your GP or hospital for an update about any elective procedures you are waiting for
My Planned Care Patient Digital Platform
For further information CLICK HERE
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.